Saturday, February 07, 2004
Eliot Bronson and Josh Lamkin, John Seay opening, at an Arnold Md House Concert on November 6, 2003

The hostess, another major Eliot Bronson fan, has been remarried since I was in this home last for an Eliot Bronson concert. I remember her children, older now, are fans of Eliot's too. A lovely poster reflecting the wedding commitment ceremony hangs over the mantle behind the impromtu "stage area" for tonight concert.

This is a Baltimore songwriters crowd (with a newcomer Josh who seems surprised at the warm welcome from folks he's never met before.)

The crowd includes a man from Ireland who is in the music business and whose brother lives here, in the US, a few blocks away. I tell him I adore Sinead Lohan, who wrote the great "No Mermaid" song that Joan Baez covers. He tells that traffic is terrible in Dublin; people are moving in from the countryside and the urban area is into high tech but growing too fast.

John Seay opens. His set includes:
Thank God for giving me the victory - A song about how we get what we want - about how the winning football player says
High on the Appalachian Trail- John likes to hike on the Appalachian Trial, but this song is about trail blazing a path to love
There Ain't Nobody Normal Around Here - the great song which, John claims,m may not apply to this audience.
She's My Oasis - Paul sings this as a duet with Paul Iwancio , the co-writer on this song. (And this song will be on Paul I's new CD which will be available soon)
I Miss Bill - a hilarious song for those who GWB leaves cold. This is on John's next CD
Didn't Think I'd Miss Her But I Do - Eliot and Josh join in for a rousing close to this set.

Josh and Eliot trade songs and do a couple they have co-written. Their new duo act is called "The Brilliant Inventions". And during the show, Josh calls Eliot "Sir tune a lot".

Josh's songs include:
Can't Tell You That
Bad Luck Seems to follow you around - A welcome to the world of Josh's dysfunctional love life song
Just Past December
Somewhere Else (Hey David)
- song inspired by David LaMotte
All I Got

Eliot's songs include:
A new song that begins "I can get a radio playing soft and low, who is singing I don't know..."
You just shoot through me like electricityPatron Saint of the Lonely - how wise is this person?
Like the Still in the Morning .. Gone without warning, the light of the day..
Breath of the Night
You Don't Even Know the Way You Move Me
Eliot is singing so many new songs. I am so wanting his new CD. It will be ready soon....

Their co-writes are:
Pretty Little Hippy Redneck Chick - was Eliot's mother offended by this song? This audience laughs! They can't be serious!
I have made 100 wishes

The night ends too soon. But I may see Eliot and Josh are playing at S.N.A.F.U. - Sunday Night All Folked Up in Frederick on 11-9-03. I am so grateful to the house concert hosts who provide warm space for magical evenings of music!

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