Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Fabulous Singer/SongWriter Pat Wictor -
Sunday June 22, 2008 1pm
Park Near Columbia Md
Free Concert, Pot-Luck Picnic
Sunday June 22, 2008 1pm
Park Near Columbia Md
Free Concert, Pot-Luck Picnic
RSVP PLEASE 443-803-8546
Pat Wictor walks on stage and sits down. He places a Guild DV-52 flat across his lap and begins playing slide guitar. The sounds are snaky and sizzling..." (Richard Cuccaro, Acoustic Live). Steeped in American "roots" music, Pat is a contemporary singer-songwriter and interpreter drawing on the rural country, gospel and blues traditions of our nation. An American raised in Venezuela, Holland, Norway and England until his teenage years, Pat has an unusually deep awareness of being a resident of a country while also a world citizen. His performances, part fireside chat, part meditation on matters earthly and transcendent, feature his original tunes, as well as a newly discovered lyrics from other performers, or fresh arrangements of traditional songs; he delights in introducing his audience to innovative material. With flowing red hair and zen-like calm, Pat embraces his audience with the sincerity of his music and the clarity of his voice, inviting them in.
Location: Rockburn Branch Park Pavilion, Howard County, MD Map here.
Rockburn Branch Park Dr, Elkridge, MD 21075 LINK TO GOOGLE MAPS HERE.
Time: 1 to ?? PM. Music 2 to 4pm.
Food: We will provide meat (burgers, franks) and fixings. Please bring dishes to share (including some vegetarian choices). We will also provide a variety of soft drinks.
NOTE: No glass bottles!
Occasion: David White is turning 70. We welcome all who love music. Hear a great concert and help us celebrate David's joining the ranks of the septuagenarians. Relatives and friends are coming and we have room for many more in a large outdoor pavilion - we just ask that you rsvp leaving your name and phone - 410-992-0632 or cell 443-803-8546.
From US-29, Center Park Drive or Snowden River Parkway, take MD 100 east to Exit 4 (MD 103/Meadowridge Road). Go part way around two traffic circles, follow MD103 0.2 mile west and turn right at the first traffic light (Montgomery Rd), go another 0.2 miles and turn left at the next traffic light (still Montgomery Road). Drive 0.6 mile, past Rockburn Township on the left and turn left toward Rockburn Branch Park, just before the big sign for Rockburn Elementary School. Follow the winding road 0.6 mile into Rockburn Park, past tennis courts on the left and past the left turn into the tennis court parking area. Take the next left to the pavilion. We plan to put balloons at this turn and the previous turn (by the school). From I-95, BW Parkway, US-1 and points east, take MD 100 west to exit 4 (MD 103) and follow above directions, except you won't have to mess with either roundabout.
A song circle following the concert is possible if the audience includes musicians with guitars...